Video Marketing

Sachi Koto uses her storytelling experience from more than 25-years in broadcasting to create compelling videos for clients. This video was written by Dr. Kim DoHyang Reimann, Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and the Director of the Asian Studies Center at Georgia State University and produced by Sachi Koto Communications, Inc. and […]

Asian Heritage Month on WSB-TV

Sachi Koto was featured on WSB-TV.  Monica Pearson details the accomplishments of Sachi Koto as part of the station’s recognition of Asian Awareness Month. Watch this short video clip and learn more about the challenges Sachi has faced and how she overcame them.

Wonders of Japan Series

Join Sachi Koto to explore Japan—Starting Tuesday, September 13th, PBA 30 presents “The Wonders of Japan,” a five-part series highlighting the travel destinations, festivals, food, and technology that make Japan unique. Tuesday nights at 9 PM starting Sept. 13th, only on PBA 30.


VocoVision is one of the leading companies providing telespeech services to schools all across the U.S. Now you can offer your students access to the best in speech therapy with no barriers and no limitations through VocoVision telespeech. Watch and see how VocoVision works to truly understand how it is completely transforming the entire concept […]